For the other bosses, the fang's performance falls below that of the Abyssal Tentacle. The Osmumten's fang is better than Blade of saeldor against Soteseg (on stab) and Verzik Vitur phases 2 & 3 (on slash).The abyssal tentacle should still be used at Verzik to take advantage of her lower slash defence. If using an abyssal tentacle, a Ghrazi rapier may be brought to save charges in the rooms prior to Verzik.If not comfortable with the supplies, 2 anglerfish can be banked in order to bring a brew and a restore.In 4 man raids, one freezer (the melee freeze) should additionally take a Swift blade, Ham joint or Goblin paint cannon for the Nylocas waves.The rune pouch should contain blood, death, and water runes to cast Ice Barrage, using Vengeance is not recommended as a learner.The rune crossbow is used during Phase 3 Verzik during the web phase only it can be exchanged for a dragon crossbow with ruby dragon bolts (e), however the DPS increase is negligible.The trident of the swamp can be exchanged for the Sanguinesti staff.For the other bosses, the fang's performance falls below the Abyssal Tentacle. The Osmumten's fang is better than blade of saeldor against Soteseg (on stab) and Verzik Vitur phases 2 & 3 (on slash).Osmumten's fang (Soteseg and Verzik only, see notes)