Roms for link to the past super metroid randomizer
Roms for link to the past super metroid randomizer

Now in charge of ASM (programming language) development for the Link to the Past Randomizer, Karkat was the first to join the team and put his skills in ROM hacking and 65816 (SNES) assembly to work. He wanted speedrunners to test his version of ALttP, and as Karkat, one of the runners approached, puts it “speedrunners tend to put more stress on a game, so it was probably a good idea to have us all test it.” Karkat and others put the game through its paces, and he was the first to jump in to help smooth out the bugs in the early build. The revived Randomizer project began to take steps towards completion in February of 2016, when Carroll approached members of the ALttP speedrunning community, jumping onto the #alttp channel on the SpeedRunsLive IRC with the first build of the Randomizer. He was actually surprised that when he was finally able to pick the project back up in 2016, no one had created a randomized ALttP yet.īack From the Dead: The Randomizer is Revived Life would get in the way for Carroll as work, family and other projects cut into his time, and bringing the Randomizer to life was put on hold. Finding every item location, and determining what items were needed to get to that location was a painstakingly slow process that was certainly the most tedious and error-prone part for Carroll. Making use of the ALttP ROM editor, Hyrule Magic, to change items at various locations and using a binary diff tool to help him identify what addresses led to what chests in the game’s code, Carroll plugged away at his project.

The Randomizer can potentially force players to run to all corners of the map to find items, and Carroll saw this as something that would be appealing to players looking for a new challenge.Ĭarroll’s own challenges that he faced were that he wasn’t really a ROM hacker, and admits to still being quite unfamiliar with 65816 (SNES) assembly, so everything he did to randomize items was trial and error. One thing he hit on early in his work was that in a normal speedrun of ALttP, there are many locations in the game that players never visit because there are no key items in these areas of the game world. In these early days, Carroll was a one-man show, working on the Randomizer in secret. This was somewhere in the middle of 2014. While working on his Super Metroid Randomizer, Carroll “stumbled upon a new algorithm for shuffling items” that he realized he could use to easily build a Randomizer for Link to the Past. To him “it was just natural that I would go ahead and randomize A Link to the Past after having built Randomizers for the other two.” These two games, along with ALttP make up Carroll’s three favorite games, on his favorite system, the Super Nintendo. This hacked version of the game is the brainchild of David “Dessyreqt” Carroll, who had previously worked on randomized versions of Super Metroid and Final Fantasy VI. When a hacked version of A Link to the Past surfaced in the early months of 2016, randomly distributing the items Link needs to complete his quest, it took a classic and gave it new life, creating a game that feels like a new experience every time you play. The progression is straightforward, with Link acquiring items at opportune times to advance to the next dungeon, eventually becoming strong enough to defeat the final boss.

roms for link to the past super metroid randomizer

Nintendo’s 1992 masterpiece, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is a perfectly paced action adventure game, where our plucky hero, Link, must travel the world of Hyrule acquiring the knowledge and tools necessary to defeat Ganon, the King of Evil, and restore balance to the Light and Dark Worlds.

Roms for link to the past super metroid randomizer